Saturday Snack Time is a little collection of fun things I found online during the week and I thought were worth sharing. This week, I’ve also got a quick review of a book I read recently and liked, Delphine Dryden’s Sex on the Beach, which comes out on Tuesday. Let’s get snacking, shall we?
1 | These sticky sesame chicken wings from Smitten Kitchen look terrific.
2 | For my review this week of Laura Florand’s The Chocolate Thief, I was tempted to make s’mores instead of raspberry tarts. These would have been a good choice.
3 | Loved this article on how anesthesia works.
4 | Women are not crazy.
5 | How do we learn about sex? How did books shape our perspectives? From Amber Belldene on Wonkomance.
6 | Delphine Dryden has a book out this upcoming week and because I know my Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and am basically a big nerd, I got to read it early. Sex on the Beach runs in parallel to Mai Tai for Two
, which I reviewed back in May, which is a pretty interesting story device. I’m not usually one for vanilla contemporaries with a low dosage of angst, but I found this book just as charming as its predecessor. Amanda and Jeremy are navigating family and careers and basic differences about how to solve problems when both people are used to making decisions on their own. It’s messy, it’s real and, oh, because it’s Dryden, it’s also hot. Like Mai Tai for Two, this book is subtly brilliant in that the only thing it’s about is a relationship between two people: a real relationship that seems to have hit a bump on the road to marriage. The cheerful Hawaiian setting, the newly-hot hero and the lack of a tidy, perfect ending just hit all the right notes for me. Pick it up as next weekend’s quick summer poolside read.
Have a great weekend!