Every Christmas, I bake a fairly epic number of cookies. I give them as gifts, bring them to parties and, uh, eat them. So when Judith from Binge on Books asked if I wanted to a holiday collaboration of some sort, I said, “SURE!”
It’s up today with photos of all the cookies I baked this year, links to recipes and BOOKS paired with each cookie courtesy of Judith and the other Binge on Books bloggers. They’ve got some great suggestions there. Some I’ve read, some I haven’t, but they all have fabulous taste so I’d trust their recommendations. And, um, I think these might be the best photos I’ve ever taken. So if you’re up for some serious food porn, head on over to Binge on Books for the full post!
I’ll have one more post before Christmas, but if you’re off on adventures and won’t be checking in tomorrow, have a very happy holiday!