Beyond Innocence by Kit Rocha Rebranded Cover Reveal and Giveaway

Beyond Innocence Cover Reveal

Beyond Innocence Cover Reveal

Hey guys! I’m so excited to host my very first (and let’s face it, possibly only) cover reveal on Cooking Up Romance for one of my very favorite books, Beyond Innocence by Kit Rocha. I reviewed this book back when it was released in 2015, pairing it with a truly decadent Bourbon-Sage Chicken Pot Pie because for practically the first time in the Beyond series the only food in this book wasn’t a sandwich chucked at Dallas’s head by an angry Noelle. Beyond Innocence is the sixth book in this optimistic, dystopian, super sexy series so if you’re new, check out the first book, Beyond Shame. It’s free! And if you’d love a paperback of Beyond Innocence, comment down below with your favorite drink (if it’s a cocktail, feel free to include a recipe link) and I’ll draw a winner on February 14th!

Are you ready for the cover?

Beyond Innocence Cover

Gorgeous, right? Now here’s Bree (one half of the Kit Rocha duo) with some notes about it!

I am so excited to reveal the redesigned cover for Beyond Innocence because this one is one of my favorite. My goal with each cover was to try to find a model who readers would immediately match with the character because they simply couldn’t be anyone else, and this is the most Lili picture I can imagine.

Our ice-princess-trophy-wife is just starting her transformation to badass in this picture, but if Lex’s makeup is a weapon, Lili’s has always been armor. And in this shot, her armor is fully polished.

The background, of course, is a piano. No spoilers, but those of you who have read the book know why. How could it be anything else?


For years, Jared has existed on the fringes of both Eden society and Dallas O’Kane’s Sector Four gang. He travels between these worlds, protected by his money and power–money he earned selling his body, and power that comes from knowing secrets. He’s untouchable—until he starts a new life gathering intelligence for the O’Kanes.

Lili Fleming walked out of Sector Five with a gun, the bloodstained clothes on her back, and an icy determination to survive. She finds herself in a world where people live hard and love harder, and nothing’s more terrifying than how much the O’Kanes wake her up, make her feel—especially Jared.

Emotion is a risk he can’t afford, and a complication she doesn’t need. But neither can resist the lust simmering between them, and the sparks that could either melt the ice around both their hearts…or get them killed. Because the only thing more dangerous than loving an O’Kane is loving a spy.


Kit Rocha Website

Beyond Innocence on Amazon
Beyond Innocence on Barnes & Noble
Beyond Innocence on Kobo
Beyond Innocence on iBooks
Beyond Innocence on Google Books



Don’t forget to enter the giveaway by commenting down below with your favorite drink by February 14th! And if you want to check out the blog tour for the rest of the brand new covers, head on over to Kit Rocha’s site!


  1. I’m not much of a drinker these days, but I love cider.

  2. Sex on the beach

  3. A gin and Jack Rudy tonic!

  4. It’s cold outside, so right now my favorite drink is Rumchata in hot cocoa (or chai tea).

  5. I’m not much of a cocktail drinker, but I love iced coffee, no matter how cold it is outside.

  6. oh this is a gorgeous cover here and I just love everything about it especially since it does seem to match the heroine so well. And I ADORE the piano in the background.

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