Set in the paranormal Victorian world of KJ Charles’ Charm of Magpies series, Rag & Bone is the follow-up novel to A Queer Trade, a novella that appeared in the Charmed & Dangerous anthology last year. In A Queer Trade, we were introduced to Ned, a working class man who buys used paper in bulk
Category: Recipe Posts
All I Am Pumpkin Dog Treats
All I Am by Nicole Helm had all the things I like: two bakers falling in love, a virgin hero, A+ groveling and a bunch of furry characters. Aside from my obvious love for old Harlequins (like, from the 1970s), I really haven’t read that many current ones. But Nicole Helm has had this farmers’
Iron & Velvet Bleeding Cupcakes
Iron & Velvet, the first book in the Kate Kane, Paranormal Investigator series, is an f/f urban fantasy and a campy romp of a book. The cast is large, the mystery quite plotty and the dry, noirish witticisms utterly hilarious. While done up Sam Spade style, what Iron & Velvet most reminds me of is
Hard Knocks Artisanal Pop Tarts + A Giveaway
I love finding funny, smart, new-to-me romance writers and Ruby Lang definitely fits the bill. The second book in the Practice Perfect series, Hard Knocks is about a neurologist coping with parental illness and an aging hockey player working though a vocational crisis. It doesn’t appear to matter whether these are read out of order.
The King’s Man Rack of Lamb and Roasted Yellow Turnips
The King’s Man by Elizabeth Kingston had me raving for a week. I listened to the audio during a car trip over the holidays and when we got home from our drive, my husband and I invented errands so we could keep listening. It’s that good. The fact that the narration is done by Nicholas
A Seditious Affair Christmas Pudding
A Seditious Affair by KJ Charles is one of the best books I’ve read all year. The romance, the politics, the history, everything combines to a near-perfect whole. It’s not a stand-alone and readers who skip A Fashionable Indulgence, the first in the Society of Gentlemen series, will miss quite a lot as much of
Hazelnut and Whiskey-Chocolate Ganache Sandwich Cookies
So. Hazelnut & Whiskey-Chocolate Ganache Sandwich Cookies. Doesn’t that sound AH-MAZING? That’s because it is! Every year I bake for the holidays–a bunch of cookies that stay pretty standard from year-to-year and a couple of experiments. And lemme tell you, this experiment is the best one ever. I sent a few of the first batch
A Midnight Clear Bombe Alaska
A Midnight Clear by Emma Barry and Genevieve Turner is a FREE prequel novella to their Fly Me to the Moon series, 1960s-set historical romances with astronaut heroes. This novella is set in the late-1940s, a bit before the start of the rest of the series, and features young love, motorcycle riding, sailing, dinner party
Guest Post by Roan Parrish: In the Middle of Somewhere Gingerbread (Three Ways)
Elisabeth here. Today I’m pleased to welcome queer romance writer Roan Parrish to Cooking Up Romance. I don’t have a lot of guest posters, but Roan takes such great foodie Instagram pictures and there’s so much food in her current release, In the Middle of Somewhere, that I just had to ask her to make