Hard Knocks Artisanal Pop Tarts + A Giveaway

I love finding funny, smart, new-to-me romance writers and Ruby Lang definitely fits the bill. The second book in the Practice Perfect series, Hard Knocks is about a neurologist coping with parental illness and an aging hockey player working though a vocational crisis. It doesn’t appear to matter whether these are read out of order.

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Blogiversary Week Review: FIT Homemade Granola

If you still haven’t entered to win the Cooking Up Romance Blogiversary Week $50 Amazon gift card, you have just a couple more days! From a narrative perspective, I’ve always thought that a personal trainer would make an excellent romance dominant. I mean, you have this person whose job it is to push physical and

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Christmas Morning Bananas Foster Waffles

Strangely enough, all my family’s Christmas food traditions are Christmas Eve based. I’m from San Francisco originally and Christmas Eve always meant cold Dungeness crab and french onion soup. Christmas Eve was always the best because we would sit around with our next door neighbors and sing carols and eat treats all afternoon. Our neighbors

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